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an open port 意味

"an open port"の例文


  • 開港場
  • open     1open n. 戸外; 公然; オープントーナメント. 【形容詞 名詞+】 the British Open
  • port     1port n. 港. 【動詞+】 clear a port 出港する close the ports 港を閉鎖する
  • open port     open port 開港 かいこう
  • open a port    {動} : 開港する
  • open port    open port 開港 かいこう
  • open a port to trade    通商{つうしょう}のために港を開く[開港{かいこう}する]
  • port of open hearth    port of open hearth 平炉吹出口[機械]
  • an export(ing) port    an export(ing) port 輸出港 ゆしゅつこう
  • an open economy    an open economy 開放経済 かいほうけいざい
  • break an egg open    (料理{りょうり}などで)卵を割る
  • car with an open roof    オープンカー
  • create an open environment    開放的{かいほうてき}な環境{かんきょう}を創り出す
  • cut an envelope open    手紙{てがみ}を開封{かいふう}する
  • cut open an envelope    封筒{ふうとう}を開ける
  • force an open    進んで与えてくれる人に無理な要求をする


  • regulation 6 - admitting the export and import of rice and grain at the city of an open port .
    第6則 開港地での米や雑穀の輸出入を認める。
  • later , when the country was opened , niigata became an open port , so its importance increased .
  • the regulation that used to designate kanagawa-juku as an open port was modified for the first time to yokohama bay , which was the actual open port .
  • in the treaty of amity and commerce between the united states and japan of 1858 , it was designated as an open port as well as niigata port , nagasaki port and kanagawa-juku kanagawa port (yokohama port ).
  • appendix of provision 10 - although korea did not have diplomatic relations with other foreign countries , if the ships of those countries were shipwrecked and somebody drifted ashore , they would be sent to the city of an open port where a japanese officer was stationed , and then the victims would be sent back to their own countries from there .
    付録第十款 朝鮮は海外諸国との国交がないが、今後朝鮮に国交のない諸国の船が遭難し、漂着する人がいれば、日本の管理官がいる開港地まで送り届け、そこから遭難者の本国に送還することとする。
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